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Terms & Conditions

We ask you to walk the perimeter of the meadow with your dog/s on a lead before deciding whether you feel it is suitable for your dog/s.

​XL bullies may still come to the field. However, they must be kept muzzled and on lead.

Although the land is enclosed, it is your responsibility to evaluate suitability for your own dog/s. Some dogs are more determined to escape than others. We accept no responsibility if your dog/s escape from the meadow. 

Rabbits and other wildlife can make holes underneath the fence which may be a problem to very small dogs. It is your responsibility to assess suitability for your dog. 

You must ensure you have adequate insurance/liability for yourself and your dog/s. 

We accept no responsibility for injury, loss, harm, death and damage to you or your dog/s.

You agree to use this land at your own risk.

Be aware the terrain is bumpy. It is not landscaped lawn. 

Bookings are non refundable regardless of weather. 

Please note: We sometimes close the paddock in extreme weather. 

We advise you arrive promptly for your allocated time slot.

We insist you leave promptly at the end of your allocated time slot so not to cause the next person to be delayed.

You will agree to reimburse any time delay caused to the following persons if you late vacating.

Please be courteous when entering and leaving. Do not open the gate if someone else is on the paddock as their dogs could be reactive or escape. Please keep dogs in your car until the person before you has left as this can cause reactive dogs stress. 

No metal detector use is permitted. 

You are responsible for the behaviour of your dog/s at all times. 

You must NOT allow your dog to dig. You will be required to pay for any damage/loss to any part of the land/boundary fencing incurred by you and your dog/s.

Do not let your dog jump up the fence or gates. 

You must pick up your dog’s faeces and take it home with you or there is a dog poo bin next to the gate.

No disturbance, damage or interruption to be caused to any neighbours and adjoining land by person, by dog/s or by use of your vehicle.

We advise you ensure your dog/s are on a lead in your vehicle whilst transferring to and from the field. 

No groups, clubs, businesses or any other unauthorised activity is permitted. 

Your slot is for you, your household and your own dog/s only. 

You are not permitted to remove anything from the field. It remains the property of the owners and will constitute theft. Please report anything immediately. 

Your dog must be vaccinated and health compliant. If your dog is unwell, please do not bring them to the paddock.

Please report any issues such as fencing breaches, holes that you find on the paddock.

Please enter through the main gates and park on the parking pad only. 

The entry code is provided on the booking system once payment is made. It is changed periodically. Please lock and jumble the numbers as you leave.

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